Who God is and the kinds of things God does
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Putting into practice reading and thinking skills. Write your own brief creedal statement: Here are my ten to twenty most significant (central) statements about who God is and the kinds of things God does” In preparing your statement, feel free to consult one of the universal church’s ancient creeds or your denomination’s articles of religion. From your creedal statement, choose one concept (or possibly two concepts) that you least understand. Work not merely with intellectual lack of comprehension (such as who can explain the Trinity?) but also with heart of confusion (such as how can God allow so much evil in the world, or why did God make you the way you are?). What are your most significant theological doubts or confusions? Write a 1,000 word paper in Microsoft Word. In this paper, describe as honestly as you can the issue of your confusion, factors contributing to its development in your life, the answers you give when people ask you about this issue, and the inadequacies you see in your best answers on this topic. Finish this paper with a paragraph or two of prayer in which you entrust this matter to God himself.
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