Wireless Networks
The Instructions is provided in the upload file and it is very specific, please read carefully through it. If you can finish sooner thats a plus for you when im leaving you feedback. As follow, The topics that should be cover are ad-hoc, infrastructure, CSMA/CA, The layer model, security, Encryption and more.
IT 120
Project Requirements
One of the main responsibilities of an information technology professional is to clearly and
simply explain technical information to non-technical audiences. This project is intended to give
you practice in doing exactly that.
The project is worth 150 points and consists of a written report.
This is a technical research paper and not a social statement. It must describe the technical
aspects of your networking topic. You could use your textbook to find a technical networking
topic and explore it in more detail for this project. You may, if you wish, submit your topic to
me by e-mail. I will provide feedback on whether the topic is appropriate. This submittal is
The project is to be done individually.
Report Requirements
In addition to the required technical content, your report must be well-written, well-organized,
and have a professional appearance. Your grade will be based on the technical content and the
editorial quality of your report. Details of these criteria are listed in the rubric provided with this
The report should contain an explanation of your topic. The explanation should be written for
your classmates – assume they know information to the level we covered in class, but they do not
know the details of your chosen topic. The explanation should be five to six pages long, not
including the title page or the reference page. (10pt Arial, double spaced, no space between
paragraphs, 1-inch margins that contain the headers and footers) Consider including diagrams or
pictures if appropriate. Your report must contain a reference section with at least four references.
These references should be cited in your paper in order to get credit. If you copy diagrams or
pictures, identify the source of each.
The report is due before 11:55pm on the due date identified in Moodle. Please submit by
Moodle. I do not require a hardcopy of the report. Further details will be provided in class if
It has been my experience that students often find 3 or 4 websites, copy large chunks of text from
them, and glue the chunks together to make a report. That is not acceptable for this report. The
presence of entire sentences or paragraphs from other sources that are not quoted (even if the
sources are in the reference section) will result in a poor grade. You should read all your
sources, completely understand the topic, and then write the report in your own words. I will
submit your report to TurnItIn, a plagiarism detection service.
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