
Women and Religion

Women and Religion

Women and Religion February Mid-term paper. 5 to 7 pages, 12 pts. Times Roman double-spaced. 25%;

Question: Of the concepts studied so far, choose one. Articulate this concept in relation to how women use it and experience it in the religious tradition it relates to, and how they counter the issues they are facing. Take examples from contemporary or historical female figures in this tradition. You will want to research one to three sociological academic journal papers to strengthen and deepen your articulation..Remember to cite all sources.

Women in Indigenous (Native) Traditions – Personal spirituality; mystics and healers –
Female genital mutilation / rites of passage
Shaman, healer, spiritual guide
Women in New Age traditions. Contemporary Neopaganism / Goddess spirituality / Wicca.
Theosophy / Grand-mother Ayahuasca –Feminine powers that transcend / Christian Science and the Law of Attraction among other new spiritualities
Starhawk in context with wicca
Neopaganism and goddess spirituality
Chinese Traditions. Confucianism and Daoism. Chinese Folk / Popular Religion
Suicide of Chinese women / Foot binding
Qiu Jin (Ch’iu Chin), Chinese heroin who founded in 1875 the Chinese Women’s Journal to encourage women to emancipate themselves from oppressive traditions and against foot binding.
Sikhism – Baha’I Faith
Bibi Sahib Kaur and contemporary Female Sikh leaders
“The radiant woman course” by Guru Fatha Singh (Woman is the foundation of spirit in which the future of humanity is nursed” Yogi Bhajan.

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