This is a research style paper and not an argument. In your writing, you are also going to practice using Internet research and citations. This is the assignment: Provide a five-page research paper, including citation page, on a female philosopher of your choice. The paper is to be double spaced, typed, 12-point font, normal margins. In your writing, provide the following: 1. Provide introduction and conclusion paragraphs; 2. Provide the history of this female philosopher; 3. Provide areas of her philosophical work that distinguishes her in the history of ideas and historical context in which she lives/lived, in detail: compare her core philosophical questions and concepts (her philosophical contribution) across the history of ideas (Socrates, Plato, Descartes, and Sartre, whom we have studied thus far in this class); compare her core philosophical questions and concepts (her philosophical contribution) in terms of how they relate to schools of thought with which they are commonly associated; contrast her core philosophical questions and concepts (her philosophical contribution) across the history of ideas (Socrates, Plato, Descartes, and Sartre, whom we have studied thus far in this class); contrast her core philosophical questions and concepts (her philosophical contribution) in terms of how they are different from thinkers and schools of thought with which they are commonly associated; 4. Provide titles of books and articles she has written; 5. Provide a citation page (this is page 5, or the end of page 5). Use Internet research. Using sites such as Wikipedia are not academic sites and should not be used as a source for this paper. This assignment is a practice in making sure that you know how to use sources in such a way that you are not plagiarizing them. Thus, cite your sources. Use MLA. This is a formal paper. I expect good English and good writing skills, meaning proper paragraphing, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, antecedent agreement and logical progression of your writing. Do not cut and paste from any webpage. Late papers will not be accepted. Your paper will be graded on the basis of how well you comply with the assignment itself and with Learning Outcome #4. Be careful to integrate the contents of your writing with Learning Outcome #4.
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