


Case studies
Read the case studies below and answer the questions as they relate to each case study.
Case study B, Part 1 – Ben
Seventeen-year-old Ben has Asperger’s syndrome and lives with his parents, Julie and Dave, in Adelaide. He will turn 18 in six weeks. Since leaving school last year at the end of Year 10, Ben has completed a Certificate III in Electronic Music at TAFE. Ben has always loved computers and producing electronic music. He did well at his studies, but there were some issues with his behaviour affecting other students at TAFE.
Ben’s Asperger’s syndrome presents in the following ways:
∙ he can speak well, but he finds it difficult to make new friends because he doesn’t pick up on what others think and feel
∙ he is often disruptive in group situations and is prone to having ‘meltdowns’ when things don’t turn out the way he wants
∙ he is very talented at creating and mixing electronic music and spends many hours working on music projects
∙ he only seems to want to talk about his music and other things that interest him such as what he likes to eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner
∙ he likes routine and can get distressed and angry if his routine is varied.
You are a case worker at the North Plympton Community Centre and Ben has been assigned to you. After reading through his case notes, you telephone Julie to arrange an intake meeting with the three family members. Julie tells you that, now Ben has successfully completed his studies, he is keen to get a job in the music industry and leave home. However, Julie and Dave don’t think that Ben is ready to leave home and become independent because Ben doesn’t know how manage money and it is difficult for him to make friends – they feel he still needs their guardianship.
When Ben and his parents arrive for the meeting you take the family into an interview room. Ben has his iPad with him. As soon as the family are seated, he opens his GarageBand app and begins playing the electronic guitar. Ben’s parents ask him to stop but he doesn’t want to and their persistence distresses Ben to the point where he stands up and repeatedly yells ‘I want to go home’. You find some headphones to give to Ben. You intervene by suggesting to Ben and his parents that maybe, just for this session, he can play music and next week you could chat more with Ben about what he wants to do now he’s finished his studies.
You conduct the rest of the meeting with Ben’s parents for an initial assessment and ask them all to come back for a follow-up meeting without Ben’s iPad. Before they leave, you reinforce to Ben that you will be seeing him again at the same time next week for a chat about what he wants to do now that he has finished his studies.

1. When you phoned Julie to arrange for an initial intake meeting for Ben, what information did you share with her about the purpose, objectives and agenda for the meeting (approximately 100 words)?
2. What formal meeting processes will you follow during your initial meeting with Ben and his parents to identify and negotiate outcomes (approximately 50 words)?
3. What strategies would you use to facilitate the family group and manage its dynamics (approximately 100 words)?
4. What conflict resolution, mediation and negotiation techniques would you use in your initial meeting with Ben and his parents (approximately 100 words)?
5. How would you identify, negotiate and record the outcomes of your initial meeting with Ben and his family (approximately 50 words)?
6. Find a service that might help Ben to address his needs and provide their contact details. How would you ensure that the service is suitably experienced and has the capacity to help Ben (approximately 100 words)?

Case study B, Part 2 – Ben
At your next meeting with Ben and his parents, Ben arrives without his iPad as planned. However, when Ben pulls off in sweater before sitting down, it makes the t-shirt that he is wearing underneath ride up, revealing large bruises on his torso. Julie notices you noticing the bruises and quickly says that Ben fell down the stairs at home. But Ben blurts out, ‘No I didn’t’ to which his mother replies, ‘Yes you did Ben remember? That’s how you got those bruises on your body.’ Ben answers, ‘No it’s not. Dad got angry with me’. Julie and Dave look tense and embarrassed and you strongly suspect that Ben’s father was the cause of Ben’s bruises.
You don’t say anything about the bruises, but you ask Ben to tell you about his plans to leave home. He tells you that if he leaves home, he can do what he wants and he can live with people who like music. You also ask Ben about his TAFE course. This question brightens Ben up, and he appears more interested in having a conversation with you. You tell Ben about a group of music teachers who specialise in working with people like Ben (i.e., on the autistic spectrum). They work from different locations but come together under the banner of ‘Musicians with a different beat’. You ask Ben if he thinks it could be something that he would be interested in and he tells you that it could be.
You have started developing a case plan based on the information that you gathered from Ben’s parents at the last interview. Today you want to finalise the plan with Ben’s input.

1. What statutory mandate processes, if any, would you need to follow in Ben’s case (approximately 50 words).
2. What impact would a statutory mandate have on Ben, his parents and the interventions you propose for his case plan (approximately 50 words).
3. What general questions would you ask to determine Ben’s needs and those of his family and their community in this case? What questions would you ask to prioritise needs (approximately 100 words)?
4. What service responsibilities do you need to be aware of to ensure that Ben’s family and community rights are protected? In your answer, list the relevant government legislation as well as industry specific and organisational policies and procedures that apply (approximately 100 words).
5. If Ben’s case resulted in a dispute and you felt that a mediator, other than yourself, might be required, who could you contact to mediate in this matter? In your answer, consider internal and external mediators (approximately 50 words).

6. Using the template below, develop a case management plan for Ben that reflects his initial assessment of needs.100 words
Case management plan
Client name: Date of birth:
Date: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
Review date: Religion/spirituality:
Issue Goal Strategies to address goal

Strengths to support goals Limitations that prevent goals

Services provided
Name of service Contact details Strategy to address goal


Case study C, Part 1 – Jack
You facilitate a group in Melbourne for men who are former offenders trying to re-assimilate into the community. They’re a mixed group of around 12−18 members depending on who shows up on the day and they’re aged between 50 and 78 years old. Their former offences range from murder, grievous bodily harm and drug dealing to corporate fraud. One group member, Jack, is 51 and has been attending the group for three months on a consistent weekly basis since he was released from a fifteen-year stint in gaol for murdering his brother.
In the short term, Jack is living with his 30-year-old son, Troy, until he gets back on his feet. Troy’s mother (Jack’s wife) died in a car accident when Jack was in goal. Jack is currently taking medication for high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes.
When Jack shows up for the group meet today, he is looking more dishelleved than usual and he has large bruise on his left cheek and swollen lips. Moreover, whereas Jack would normally contribute to the group conversation, today he sits quietly and is reluctant to share. You are concerned and, once the group session is finished, you ask Jack if he could come back the following day for a chat about how he is getting along. Once he has left, you locate Jack’s case plan to review.
Jack’s case plan details the following goals:
∙ he wants to find a job and become financially independent
∙ he wants to move into his own place
∙ he wants to find some new friends that won’t drag him back into a life of crime
∙ he wants his son and his two daughters to respect him.
1. What group facilitation techniques could you use to define the boundaries in the group of former offenders? In your answer, consider the different types of boundaries that exist (approximately 100 words).
2. How could you support Jack and the other group members to share information and plan for their future? In your answer, provide examples to demonstrate how you would do this (approximately 100 words).
3. How could you guide Jack, and any others in the group, to be more assertive when old friends and acquaintances try and drag the ex-offenders back into a life of crime (approximately 100 words)?
4. Research a community resource that helps ex-offenders like Jack to find a job. What is the name of the service and what does it offer? How would you find out if the service has the capacity to help Jack (approximately 100 words)?
5. What strategies will you put in place to continually monitor how effective your case management processes are against how satisfied Jack is his with his goals, services and programs (approximately 100 words)?

Case study C, Part 2 – Jack
Jack returns to the community centre the following day as planned. You tell Jack that, although his case plan isn’t coming up for review for another three months, you feel it might be time to revisit some of his goals. In doing so, you want to tease out the cause of the bruises to his face and why his behaviour in the group the previous day had changed from his usual form.
You learn that Jack’s son, Troy, wants him out of the house because Jack’s impinging on his lifestyle and getting in the way when Troy brings women home. Troy has a short fuse, and one night after an argument he bashed Jack up resulting in the bruises to his face and other ones on his trunk. Jack wants to leave, but still needs a job to support himself and become independent.
As you communicate with Jack you notice that he appears depressed – he looks down as he speaks and his shoulders are hunched. You ask him whether he feels he is getting any value from the group program for ex-offenders and he tells you that it just keeps reminding him of his past and he wants to move on. He also admits to catching up a few times with a couple of the guys from his ‘old crowd’ and snorting cocaine with them.
You ask Jack about other family members and you learn that he has a daughter, Eva, who moved from Melbourne to Townsville, Queensland about five years ago. She lives there with her husband and two young children, aged two and four.

1. What strategies would you put in place to deal with Jack’s complex situation (approximately 100 words)?
2. What statutory and legislative and organisation requirements could apply in Jack’s case (approximately 50 words)?
3. What questions would you ask to assess whether Jack’s case plan needs to change? What would you do if you thought that changes were needed (approximately 100 words)?
4. If your assessment revealed that Jack was dissatisfied with his services and wanted to try something different, what would you do (approximately 50 words)?
5. How could you help Jack to set and achieve realistic targets for change and to take personal responsibility? In your answer, address how you could apply at least two models of behaviour change to one of Jack’s targets/goals (approximately 100 words).
6. How will you the negotiate changes arising from your case review with your organisation (approximately 50 words).

Case study C, Part 3 – Jack
Eva has asked Jack to come and live with her, she knows what her brother Troy is like and she is concerned for her father. She is also hoping that Jack will get to know his grandchildren and develop a relationship with them. Jack has decided to go – he needs a completely fresh start and apart from the troubles associated with living with his son, Melbourne is too close to his former life.
Eva has made arrangements for Jack to travel to Townsville to be with her and her family. Jack comes to see you at the centre for his exit interview.

1. How did Jack’s family structure and dynamics affect his decision to move to Townsville (approximately 100 words)?
2. Create an action plan for Jack getting to Townsville and achieving his goals once he gets there. Complete the table below with this information.(4 goals) 100 words
Goal Resource Agreed responsibilities and strategy Realistic indicators Progress review

3. What organisational procedures would you follow to close Jack’s case? In your answer, provide at least eight procedures and consider protocols for documenting the closure (approximately 100 words)..
• 4. How would you supervise and delegate responsibilities for closing Jack’s case (approximately 50 words)?

• 5. Complete the case closure form below for closing Jack’s case:100 words
Case closure
Step Action taken Outcome Date

You are required to complete three separate assessment tasks for CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management.
In completing your final assessments, you will show evidence of your ability to:
• conduct case management meetings
• develop an appropriate approach to case management
• develop an appropriate case management plan
• manage case work activities and processes.

Assessment Description
31325/02 Case study Minoo – Parts 1 and 2
This unit will also be assessed in the workplace.

Case studies
Read the case studies below and answer the questions as they relate to each case study.
Case study A, Part 1 – Minoo
Twenty-six-year-old Minoo arrived in Australia as a refugee six months ago from Southern Sudan. Two years prior to her arrival, Minoo’s husband, Maku had been killed by rebel forces while she and her children were visiting relatives in a nearby town.
You are a case worker at Blacktown Community Centre. Minoo has been sent to you by Red Cross Migration Support to assess her needs and work out a case plan that will help her fully integrate into Australian society and become more independent.
During your initial meeting with Minoo, you establish rapport with her then explain what your service can offer, the processes involved and her rights and responsibilities. Once you feel that she has understood, you begin asking her some questions. You learn that Minoo is currently living in the Sydney suburb of Blacktown with her two children, Talia, aged five and Ajak, aged six. Both children attend the local primary school and they seem to be settling in quite well. Minoo, however, is feeling isolated at home on her own while her children are at school.
Moreover, although her first language is English, Minoo has very low-level literacy skills and she has no computer skills. While her children are still very young, Minoo’s low-level literacy and lack of computing skills limit what she can do to help them with homework – something she not only finds frustrating, but is also starting to cause some conflict with Ajak’s attitude towards her.
In Sudan, Minoo had worked as a cook in a hospital. Since arriving in Australia, however, Minoo and her children have survived on government support payments. Although initially Minoo was grateful for this support, now that Talia and Ajak have settled into their new school, Minoo wants more independence and to make some new friends. She also wants to develop the skills that will enable her to help her children through their schooling and to work in an office environment.
Together, you negotiate some goals. Because Minoo finds it difficult to read even simple text, you work together to find a symbol for each goal. They are:
∙ to improve her ability to read and write English
∙ to learn some basic computer skills
∙ to meet some new people in the community
∙ to be able to help her children with their homework
You give Minoo a brochure about your service and relevant rights and responsibilities and suggest that she asks someone that she trusts to help her read it. You arrange for Minoo to come back for a follow-up appointment to develop some strategies for her goals.
1. When you met Minoo for the first time, how would you have built rapport with her? In your answer consider Minoo’s cultural background (50 -100 words).
2. What information will you share with Minoo about the purpose, objectives and agenda of your initial meeting? In your answer, consider organisation policy and procedures and what you know of her background (100 – 150 words).
3. How would you explain to Minoo her rights of appeal and avenues of complaint so that she understood them? In your answer, address how these rights are available to all members of the community (50 words).
4. How would you explain how the rights, responsibilities, roles, decision-making processes, accountability and outcomes are shared between you and Minoo? Complete the table below with this information. (200-250 words)
Minoo Case manager






5. How would you facilitate your discussion with Minoo so that she understands how information is shared within your service and with other service providers to plan for service delivery? In your response consider the impact of statutory mandates (100 words).
6. How would you help Minoo to set goals and participate in managing her case? In you answer, consider the two goal categories that were covered in your learning: Process goals and Outcome-based goals (100 words).
7. What impact could your values, as well as those of Minoo and her children, have on the outcomes of service delivery (approximately 50 words)?
8. How would you address Minoo’s experiences, skills and values to help her develop a plan to reach her goals (approximately 100 words)?

Case study A, Part 2 – Minoo
Minoo returns to your community service centre for her follow-up meeting to discuss her short- and long-term needs. You begin the meeting by checking in with her about whether she fully understands her rights and responsibilities, and asking her if she has given more thought to her goals. Minoo said that she asked Talia’s teacher to help her read the brochure you gave her and that she felt clear about what was required.
You then ask Minoo if she has given any more thought to her goals and if she would like to change or add any. She says that she wants Ajak and Talia to be proud of her. You ask her what she thinks would make Ajak and Talia proud of her, and she tells you that if she could read and write well and get a good job in an office, this would make them proud of her.
You work with Minoo to establish some priorities and timelines for her goals. You then develop an action plan that encompasses how you will monitor Minoo’s progress and how you will change her plan as her needs change. In your action plan, you include the services that may be available to Minoo to help her to reach the outcomes she wants.

1. What are three behaviour change models you could apply to Minoo’s case to help her take personal responsibility for making changes in her life? Provide a brief overview of the theory behind each model by completing the table below (100 words).
Behaviour change model Overview of the model
• • •

• • •

2. What services are available in Sydney’s Blacktown area that might be able to help Minoo to achieve her goals? Find two services, provide their contact details and describe how their services can help. Complete the table below with this information: (100 words)
Service name Contact information How theservices can help

3. How will you identify and agree on role boundaries in Minoo’s case? Why is it important to do this (100 words)?
4. How will you integrate appropriate cultural considerations into your case management plan (100 words)?

5. Using the template below, develop a case management plan for Minoo that reflects her initial assessment of needs.50 words
Case management plan
Client name: Date of birth:
Date: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? Yes / No
Review date: Religion/spirituality:
Issue Goal Strategies to address goal

Strengths to support goals Limitations that prevent goals

Services provided
Name of service Contact details Strategy to address goal

6. Referring to the case management plan that you developed in the last question, prioritise Minoo’s goals into immediate, short- and long-term needs for her and her children. Complete the table below with this information.100 words
Need Immediate, short-term or long-term




7. Now that you have gained an understanding of Minoo’s needs and priorities, you need to work with her to develop an action plan. Complete the action plan template below for Minoo. (5 goals) 100
Goal Resource Agreed responsibilities and strategy Realistic indicators Progress review

8. What processes will you establish for monitoring Minoo’s progress and changing her case plan if the need arises (50 words)?

Assessment task 31738/02
This assessment task is project based which requires you to respond to 26 assessment items covering three different contexts:
• There are hyperlinks to external content within this assessment.
• The majority of written answers can be laid out in table format (and you’re encouraged to do so where possible).
• Written responses answered in a table format can be in bullet point format.
• When researching answers, ensure you acknowledge and cite your sources accordingly – this is important whether you use your own words or another writer’s words. Refer to Open College’s policy on referencing.

PART A: Set up a work area
Read chapters 4, 5 and 6 from the Comcare document ‘Office HYPERLINK “”HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”w HYPERLINK “”HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”ise’ at this link regarding computer workstations in the office. This will provide an ‘ideal’ for an office-based workstation. Also read ‘Setting up your workstation’ at this link, which is from The University of Sydney’s ‘Safety Health & Wellbeing’ website.
Most homes (whether houses or apartments) these days have a computer work area – either dedicated or makeshift. Depending on your workplace you may be required to complete work place documentation onsite or at home. If planning to perform word processing at home, work health and safety (WHS) aspects of the workstation and surrounding environment should be addressed.
Look at your home setup. Where you work at home on a computer is your workstation. (Lay these answers out in the table template below question 8)
• Identify all of the hazards in your home working environment using the Office Hazards checklist (use the applicable items). Record the identified hazards in the Hazard column of the table template beneath question 8.
• In the ‘Why?’ column of the table template below, explain why you have identified these as hazards (compare them to the Comcare standards in ‘environmental, work station design, work station furniture’).
• Take and submit a photograph of your home working environment to include in your answer.
(Copy and paste or embed your photograph here)
Addressing the hazards
• In the ‘Action’ column of the table template, describe what you can do to eliminate or minimise each individual hazard.
• In the ‘Deal’ column, identify whether you are able to deal with the hazard yourself or if it would be the responsibility of an appropriately trained person.
• Make the changes to your work area based upon what you have identified.
• Where the hazard is still present, under the heading ‘Residual risk’, describe the remaining residual risk. In a workplace, who would residual risk be reported to?
• Submit a photo of your modified work area with an operator using the computer appropriately (either you or a model).
(Copy and paste or embed your photograph here)100 words

Hazard Why? Action Deal Residual risk

Pre-work tasks
• Create a daily to-do list of housekeeping tasks that can be incorporated into your personal work routine to improve health and safety in your workplace.
• Using the table layout below, create a stress and fatigue worksheet that can be used to monitor your own stress and fatigue levels on a daily basis in your workplace.
• In the ‘Factors’ column, select five stress and fatigue factorsyou wish to monitor.
• At a set time before work, rank (using Low, Med or High) your response (how you feel) to the stress and fatigue factor.
• Do this for five consecutive days (or shifts) by entering your rating in the columns D1 to D5.
• Explain how monitoring one’s own stress and fatigue levels would contribute to workforce sustainability. (100 words)

Factors Scale (Low/Med/High)
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5

PART B: Incident – 4th October, 16:43 (4:43pm)
While observing a team member perform some housekeeping tasks prior to commencing word processing work at their workstation, they received an electric shock to their right hand, through the power board whilst checking the security of one of the plugs. You noted, as they were shocked, an electric spark fly from one of the empty sockets on the power board, and could detect a burning smell from the power board. You noted there was a small red ‘burn’ mark on the team member’s wrist.

• As soon as you became aware (mentally) of the situation, what initial emergency actions should you undertake to safeguard the injured worker, yourself and other workers in the vicinity? 50 words

To be on the safe side, you escorted the injured worker to the local medical clinic for assessment. After receiving the ‘all clear’ from the doctor, you and the team member returned to the centre. As it was now after 5pm, you ensured the worker got home safely and told them to call to take a sick day if required.
• Should this incident be reported before leaving for the day, and to who should it be reported to? 50 words

The next morning, the worker reported for work. The Health and Safety Representative (HSR) requires an incident report to be filled out.
• What types of support could you as supervisor give the injured team member? Explain how supporting the injured team member contributes to more accurate reporting.50 words

• Complete the incident report using the given template and attached at the end of this assessment. What are the benefits of you completing the incident report with the team member rather than they completing the incident report themselves?50 words

• In raising the WHS issue internally, what other associated workplace documentation would be required (to be completed or drawn upon if already completed) to be submitted with the incident report?50 words

• Even though the team member only received a mild shock, the incident still needs to be formally reported (externally). To whom does the incident need to be reported and what is the typical timeframe for this type of incident? 50 words

• In order to assist the HSR, use the risk assessment matrix to complete the risk assessment table (below) on the use of electrical extension equipment (power boards and extension cords) in the office plan (use office plan HYPERLINK “”HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “” at this link HYPERLINK “”HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”). Direction is left to right, top to bottom.
This matter is considered reported when it has been completed. (In a work situation, you would normally forward this to the HSR.)100
Hazard Risk Who is at risk? How often? High-, medium- or low-level risk

PART C: The Health & Safety Representative
As the health and safety representative (HSR), you have been notified by phone of an incident where a worker has received an electric shock from a power board; this was later confirmed by the incident report.
In order to develop and recommend the implementation of suitable control measures, it needs to be established whether this was a ‘one-off’ incident or the emergence of a pattern.
• Which of the shared WHS documentation would indicate that this incident was ‘one-off’ or an emerging pattern?50 words

• What workplace procedural documentation would also need to be reviewed? Why?50 words

• Until the cause of the incident can be determined, how can you inform the work group of:
• The incident and remind them of safe work practices?50 words
• What to do if a similar incident happens again?50 words

• How can you check the safe work practices and WHS compliance of the work group, focusing on less experienced members?50 words

• After reviewing the relevant WHS documentation, a formal risk assessment is required to determine what should be done to address the hazard and the urgency of the corrective actions. Briefly outline the principles of basic risk assessment.50 words

• What are the main steps involved in the risk assessment process?50 words

• Based upon the risk assessment completed by the employee (refer to table in question 17), and using the hierarchy of control (in the Learner guide), suggest what control measures could be implemented in this workplace. 50 words

• As part of your role as HSR, your supervisor has asked you to coach the team to work ergonomically and safely (using the electrical extension equipment). Research the content and create a coaching session to support workers to work ergonomically and safely. Address the following key aspects:
• How long will the session go for?50 words
• Nominate five ergonomic principles you wish to cover with regard to working with a computer at a workstation and detail the main points you wish to cover.100
• Nominate three safety aspects about working with electrical extension equipment you wish to cover.50 words
• Explain how you could verify whether the workers:
• understood the content and actually enact the ergonomic principles at a workstation 50 words
• can work with electrical extension equipment safely.50 words
As supervisor, you have been asked to formally support a motion put forward by the Health and Safety Representative to the Health Safety Committee regarding electrical extension equipment. The motion calls for all electrical extension equipment to be checked and recertified annually by a licensed electrician. The HSR also requests you to support the recommendation that surge protectors are used for every power point with workstations connected to it, and power boards to have individual on/off and safety cut-off switches.
• In an email to the Health and Safety Committee (using the supplied template HYPERLINK “″HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “” found at this link HYPERLINK “″HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”), explain your support for the motion and recommendation, naming and using the individual activities your subordinates have participated in as evidence in supporting the motion (around 250 words). Embed the letter here for submission.

Assessment Number: 31739/01


Professional development plan
For this assessment, you are required to prepare a professional development plan for your own use. The aim of this assessment task is to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of professional development practices and opportunities and your ability to self-evaluate and identify and plan for your own development needs.
In developing your Professional development plan consider and reflect on your performance as the counsellor in the Practical assessments that you have already completed in preceeding Study Periods. This will provide an appropriate background for developing professional development plan. Your professional development plan should be based on the following template and include details of your goals, strategies for achieving those goals and identification of performance indicators – ways that you will know when you have achieved your goal for the 10 areas identifiefd below.

The report (table) should be approximately 1000 words with two examples for each category.
• Identification of areas for improvement in your use of specific skills/knowledge in your practice and plan for improvement
• Identification of personal characteristics you may need to develop that relate to your role as a counsellor.
• A plan to access on-going supervision
• A plan for keeping abreast of industry developments
• A plan for on-going learning
• A plan to consider reflective practice and the impact of your own learning style on your work.
• Identification of your strengths as a counsellor
• An evaluation of areas for improvement in your role as the counsellor. For example, you may realise that you could use more empathy with clients or ask fewer questions.
• Identifying an appropriate ethical code of practice and applying this in practice.
• An assessment of the impact of your own values and beliefs on your counselling practice.

Development Goal Strategies for achieving goal Performance Indicators
1. Use of specific skills/knowledge in your practice

2. Personal characteristics that relate to your role as a counsellor

3. On-going supervision

4. Industry developments

5. On-going learning

6. Reflective practice and the impact of your own learning style on your work

7. Your strengths as a counsellor

8. Areas for improvement in your role as the counsellor
9. Ethical code of practice

• Impact of your own values and beliefs on your counselling practice

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