
Workplace learning?

Workplace learning?

REPORT Format >> REPORT STYLE Due date >> 12 Oct 2015 midnight **Please read the RED words and answer carefully while also follow the steps given** Task >> This assignment is designed to further students understanding of the job market, volunteering and the current and future trends in recruitment and the tools available to find employment. Specifically this assignment addresses the following learning outcomes: • be able to identify personal examples of key employability skills, evaluate where personal skills require development and create a plan of action to show how skills will be developed; • be able to discuss the relationship between learning and career and life development, and apply this personally; • be able to research, appraise and explain how paid and non-paid work relates to society and the economy; • be able to identify personal career and life choices, go on to develop a strategy to achieve these, begin to apply them and appraise their efficacy; and • be able to modify personal career and life choices according to changes in personal and environmental influences. Part 1: Examine the job market This section examines the current job market >> Identify five predicted job trends for the next five years >> Analyse which careers are increasing and decreasing >> Choosing a specific industry focus on the possible careers within this industry >> Discuss the expected trends in this area Part 2: Examine a paid occupation This section examines a career that might interest you in the current job market >> Describe the types of jobs you could do and what kind of activities they involve >> Discuss the training and/or education required to apply for a career in this industry and the likely income for a graduate >> Discuss how this is this income likely rise with experience? >> Discuss how the skills from this job lead you to other jobs or other careers, what this industry brings to the economy and society? Step 1: Go to the ‘My Future’ website ( ) (Yes! You may choose any another site capable of profiling careers). Open the ‘The Facts’ window on the myfuture site and go to the ‘Occupation Video Search’ link. Select a video from a paid occupation that interests you. Step 2: Using your chosen career and additional research answer these questions: • Give a brief description of the types of jobs you could do within this career. • What kind of activities and tasks are you likely to undertake? • What training/education is required to apply for a career in this industry? • What is the likely income for a graduate? How is this income likely rise with experience? • How could the skills from this job lead you to other jobs or other careers? Please specify which jobs or careers you think these skills would be useful in. • In your opinion, what does this industry bring to society? Support this view with evidence. • In your opinion, what does this industry bring to the economy? Support this view with evidence. Part 3 – Examine an unpaid occupation This section examines volunteering work that might interest you in the current job market >> Describe the volunteer organisation what kinds of activities and tasks are you likely to undertake >> Explain what in particular attracted you to this area of volunteering and what training and/or education is required to volunteer in this occupation >> Discuss the potential to have a paid position in this area and what it might be >> Discuss how the skills from this volunteer job lead you to other jobs or other careers, what this industry brings to the economy and society? Step 1: Choose a volunteer organisation and answer these questions: • Give a brief description of the volunteer organisation and the job you would expect to do. • What kind of activities and tasks are you likely to undertake in this job? • Explain what in particular attracted you to this area of volunteering? • What training/education is required to volunteer in this occupation? • Is there potential to have a paid position in this area? Describe what that paid job might be. • How could the skills from this volunteering job lead you to other paid jobs or other paid careers? Please specify which jobs or careers you think these skills would be useful in. • In your opinion, what does your chosen volunteer organisation bring to society? Support this view with evidence. • In your opinion, what does your chosen volunteer organisation bring to the economy? Support this view with evidence. Part 4: Examine recruitment This section examines the current recruitment market. >> Identify the major recruitment competitors such as SEEK.COM, Adecco etc >> Discuss the predicted trends for recruitment over the next five years. Step 1: Identify the major recruitment competitors such as SEEK.COM, Adecco etc. Your answer must identify and profile AT LEAST five competitors and cannot use LinkedIn (this was done in previous assignment) Step 2: Discuss the predicted trends for companies seeking to recruit new employees over the next five years Step 3: Offer a strategy for gaining employment in the career identified in Part 2. You must include: • Which companies would you target for employment? How would you chose these companies and what research should you do on the company before applying for a job? • Give at least three ways you could seek employment with your chosen companies. • What would be the best of these recruitment options for you and why? Rationale The purpose of this assignment is to create a platform to evaluate the following learning objectives: • Be able to identify personal examples of key employability skills, evaluate where personal skills require development and create a plan of action to show how skills will be developed. • Be able to discuss the relationship between learning and career and life development; apply this personally. • Be able to research, appraise and explain how paid and non-paid work relates to society and the economy. • Be able to identify personal career and life choices, go on to develop a strategy to achieve these, begin to apply them and appraise their efficacy. • Be able to modify personal career and life choices according to changes in personal and environmental influences. PLEASE STRICTLY FOLLOW HIGH DISTINCTION CRITERIA Work placement Expectation High Distinction Distinction Credit Skills to be assessed 85-100 75-84.5 65-74.5 Part 1 – Job market Identify five predicted job trends for the next five years and analyse which careers are increasing and decreasing. Choosing a specific industry focus on the possible careers within this industry and discuss the expected trends in this area. (This criteria will assist to identify personal career and life choice and modify personal career and life choices according to changes in personal and environmental influences) 10 marks More than ten clearly described and well researched top job trends for the next five years. Diligence and attention also given to the job trends within those careers. These trends are compiled from a wide variety of respected sources to form an original list. Accurate appraisal of the careers and jobs which are increasing and decreasing based on a precise and high level investigation drawn from multiple academic and general media sources. Deft appraisal one specific industry and an accurate and detailed discussion of the careers and jobs within that industry. Precise analysis of current trends and insightful prediction of the likely trends in this industry clearly supported by meaningful research with thoughtful examples. Up to ten well described and researched top job trends for the next five years. Some attention also given to the job trends within those careers. The trends are compiled from several respected sources to form an original list. Practical appraisal of the careers and jobs which are increasing and decreasing based on a high level investigation drawn from several academic and general media sources. Well executed appraisal one specific industry an
d a detailed discussion of the careers and jobs within that industry. Excellent analysis of current trends and some insightful predictions of the likely trends in this industry clearly supported by research and examples. Up to seven well described and researched top job trends for the next five years. Limited attention given to the job trends within those careers. The trends are not compiled into an original list from respected sources but are reproduced from respected sources. Some appraisal of the careers and jobs which are increasing and decreasing based on a modest investigation of academic and general media sources. Some appraisal of one specific industry and some discussion of the careers and jobs within that industry. Some analysis of current trends and some useful predictions of the likely trends in this industry. Evidence of search and some supporting examples. Part 2 – Paid occupation Describe the types of jobs you could do and what kind of activities they involve. Discuss the training and/or education required to apply for a career in this industry and the likely income for a graduate. Discuss how this is this income likely rise with experience? Discuss how the skills from this job lead you to other jobs or other careers, what this industry brings to the economy and society? (This criteria will assist to identify personal career and life choice and modify personal career and life choices according to changes in personal and environmental influences. It will alsodiscuss the relationship between learning and career and life development, and apply this personally; and research, appraise and explain how paid and non-paid work relates to society and the economy) 10 marks An extremely clear and well described career. Accurate research provides insight into the required and desired training and education, careers, income levels and projected income. Accurate appraisal of how the skills from this career can transfer to another job supported with wellconsidered examples. Deft appraisal of one specific industry and an accurate and detailed discussion of the careers and jobs within that industry. Precise analysis of what this career brings to the economy and society all clearly supported by meaningful research with thoughtful examples. An excellent description of a career. Good research provides insight into the required and desired training and education, careers, income levels and projected income. Good appraisal of how the skills from this career can transfer to another job supported with useful examples. Good appraisal of one specific industry and a detailed discussion of the careers and jobs within that industry. Good analysis of what this career brings to the economy and society all supported by good research and examples. A good description of a career. Some research provides insight into the required training and education, careers, income levels and projected income. Some appraisal of how the skills from this career can transfer to another job supported with some examples. Some appraisal of one specific industry and some discussion of the careers and jobs within that industry. Some analysis of what this career brings to the economy and society mostly supported by research and examples. Part 3 – Volunteer work Describe the volunteer organisation what kinds of activities and tasks are you likely to undertake. Explain what in particular attracted you to this area of volunteering and what training and/or education is required to volunteer in this occupation. Discuss the potential to have a paid position in this area and what it might be. Discuss how the skills from this volunteer job lead you to other jobs or other careers, what this industry brings to the economy and society? (This criteria will assist to identify personal career and life choice and modify personal career and life choices according to changes An extremely clear and well-articulated description volunteer organisation. Accurate research provides exceptional insight into the required and desired training and education required to work for this organisation. Accurate appraisal of how the skills from volunteering can transfer to a paid job supported with wellconsidered examples. Precise analysis of what this volunteering brings to the economy and society all clearly supported by meaningful research with thoughtful examples. A clear and well described volunteer organisation. Useful research provides good insight into the required and desired training and education required to work for this organisation. Good appraisal of how the skills from volunteering can transfer to a paid job with practical supporting examples. Thoughtful analysis of what this volunteering brings to the economy and society all nicely supported by meaningful research with thoughtful examples. A good description of a volunteer organisation. Good research supporting the essential training and education required to work for this organisation. Some appraisal of how the skills from volunteering can transfer to a paid job. Limited examples. Some analysis of what this volunteering brings to the economy and society supported by some research and examples. in personal and environmental influences. It will alsodiscuss the relationship between learning and career and life development, and apply this personally; and research, appraise and explain how paid and non-paid work relates to society and the economy) 10 marks Part 4 – Recruitment Identify the major recruitment competitors such as SEEK.COM, Adecco etc. and discuss the predicted trends for recruitment over the next five years. (This criteria will assist to identify personal career and life choice and modify personal career and life choices according to changes in personal and environmental influences) 10 marks More than ten clearly described and well researched top recruitment competitors identified. Diligence and attention in identifying more than five trends for the next five years. These trends are compiled from a wide variety of respected sources to form an original list. More than seven clearly described and well researched top recruitment competitors identified. Evidence of wide research in identifying more than five trends for the next five years. These trends are compiled from a several respected sources to form an original list. Five good descriptions supported by some research of the top recruitment competitors. Some research in identifying more than five trends for the next five years. These trends are reproduced from an already published list. Communication General presentation of the work including: report structure, formatting, grammar, writing style and proofreading. 5 marks Professionally presented report. All key elements evident, each used effectively to enhance report and of a consistently high standard. Creative approach. Polished document showing attention to detail Free of grammatical and spelling errors. Exemplary report structure with accurate and consistent formatting. Organisation of concepts clear and logical. Sentences were well constructed, and language was concise, engaging and academic. Well-crafted report. All key elements evident and well utilised. Graphics/figures/tables etc. used and well integrated. Document proofed. Clear and logical structure. Free of grammatical and spelling errors. Report structure, and format were effective and clear. Organisation of concepts clear Sentences were well constructed, and language was clear Correct report format employed. All elements evident e.g. graphics/figures/tables etc. used and well integrated. Document proofed. Logical structure. Minor grammatical and/or spelling errors, sentences were mostly clear and complete. Report structure missing some elements. Organisation of concepts mostly clear. Format used to aid the reader Referencing 5 marks Present, accurate in text citations. Attention to detail. Detailed reference list. Significant research apparent. Correct APA 6th format. Used more than six references. Present, accurate in text citations. Correct and accurate reference list. Significant research apparent. Correct APA 6th format. Used three references. Mostly accurate in
text citations. Reference list mostly correct in APA 6th format. Used two references.

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