
Workplace learning

Workplace learning

REPORT Format >> REPORT STYLE Due date >> 12 Oct 2015 midnight Words: NO MORE THAN 1,500 Task This assignment is designed to prepare you for graduation and a future career by setting up your LinkedIn profile ready for networking. Specifically this assignment addresses the following learning outcomes: • be able to identify personal examples of key employability skills, evaluate where personal skills require development and create a plan of action to show how skills will be developed; • be able to identify personal career and life choices, go on to develop a strategy to achieve these, begin to apply them and appraise their efficacy; and • be able to modify personal career and life choices according to changes in personal and environmental influences. Theory (20 marks) 1. What is LinkedIn and why has it become so popular? Your answer must include the following: – Brief history of LinkedIn – Growth and projected growth 2. Discuss at least 3 advantages of using LinkedIn for you at your current career stage 3. Why are some people/businesses not using LinkedIn? 4. Detail at least 3 common mistakes people make developing their profile 5. Give at least 3 piece of advice as to how to best leverage your LinkedIn account **ANSWER ABOVE 5 QUESTIONS IN REPORT FORMAT, no more than 1,500 words in total** ALSO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWINGS in 1500 words; 1. Discussion of LinkedIn and why has it become so popular including the following: brief history of LinkedIn and growth and projected growth. 2. Discussion of advantages of using LinkedIn against why some people/businesses not using LinkedIn. 3. Detail common mistakes people make developing their profile and advice as to how to best leverage your LinkedIn account PLEASE STRICTLY FOLLOW HIGH DISTINCTION CRITERIA Work placement Expectation High Distinction Distinction Credit Skills to be assessed 85-100 75-84.5 65-74.5 Part 1 – Theoretical discussion of LinkedIn Discussion of LinkedIn and why has it become so popular including the following: brief history of LinkedIn and growth and projected growth. Discussion of advantages of using LinkedIn against why some people/businesses not using LinkedIn. Detail common mistakes people make developing their profile and advice as to how to best leverage your LinkedIn account (This criteria will assist in understanding modern technology available to assist in job seeking) 10 marks Clearly described LinkedIn with a precise and high level investigation drawn from multiple academic sources. Deft appraisal of the key drivers of LinkedIn success and popularity. Accurate and detailed discussion of the history of LinkedIn and its current and predicted growth. Precise and astute analysis of more than three advantages of LinkedIn cleverly balanced against why not all individuals and businesses have embraced the technology. Highly perceptive discussion and examples of more than three common LinkedIn profile mistakes. More than three pieces of clear, constructive and insightful advice ably supported with thoughtful examples. Well described LinkedIn with high level investigation drawn from more than three academic sources. Excellent appraisal of the key drivers of LinkedIn success and popularity. A detailed discussion of the history of LinkedIn and its current and predicted growth. Excellent analysis of three advantages of LinkedIn balanced against why not all individuals and businesses have embraced the technology. Perceptive discussion and examples of three common LinkedIn profile mistakes. Three pieces of constructive advice ably supported with practical examples. A good description of LinkedIn with reasonable level investigation drawn from at three academic sources. Useful appraisal of the key drivers of LinkedIn success and popularity. A good discussion of the history of LinkedIn and its current and predicted growth. Good analysis of three advantages of LinkedIn balanced against why not all individuals and businesses have embraced the technology. Good discussion and examples of three common LinkedIn profile mistakes. Three pieces of good advice supported with some examples. Communication General presentation of the work including: report structure, formatting, grammar, writing style and proofreading. 1.25 marks Professionally presented report. All key elements evident, each used effectively to enhance report and of a consistently high standard. Creative approach. Polished document showing attention to detail Free of grammatical and spelling errors. Exemplary report structure with accurate and consistent formatting. Organisation of concepts clear and logical. Sentences were well constructed, and language was concise, engaging and academic. Well-crafted report. All key elements evident and well utilised. Graphics/figures/tables etc. used and well integrated. Document proofed. Clear and logical structure. Free of grammatical and spelling errors. Report structure, and format were effective and clear. Organisation of concepts clear Sentences were well constructed, and language was clear Correct report format employed. All elements evident e.g. graphics/figures/tables etc. used and well integrated. Document proofed. Logical structure. Minor grammatical and/or spelling errors, sentences were mostly clear and complete. Report structure missing some elements. Organisation of concepts mostly clear. Format used to aid the reader Referencing 1.25 marks Present, accurate in text citations. Attention to detail. Detailed reference list. Significant research apparent. Correct APA 6th format. Used more than six references. Present, accurate in text citations. Correct and accurate reference list. Significant research apparent. Correct APA 6th format. Used three references. Mostly accurate in text citations. Reference list mostly correct in APA 6th format. Used two references.

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