The Worst Hard Time Research Paper
Read the book The Worst Hard Time and answer the following questions;Topics for Discussion Topic 1 What were the contributing factors that led to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s? What did various factions blame the disaster on? Take both sides of the debate and make an argument for each.Topic 2 What type of work was Bam White looking for when he and his family traveled to the Texas Panhandle? Why were his hopes for a good job dashed, and what did he attribute it to? How did his son feel about the region many years after the family first arrived?Topic 3 What was the XIT Ranch and what role did a Chicago syndicate have in its creation? What was the fate of the ranch, and what part did the syndicate have in the decline of the region?Topic 4 Why did Hazel take no pay for her teaching job in Boise City? What did her baby die of, and why was she conflicted about leaving Boise City after she had another child?Topic 5 What was John McCartys stance on the debate over the blame for the decline of the High Plains? What did he do to push his view onto the people of the area? What was the name of the club he established and what impact did it require of its members?Topic 6 What was Hugh Bennetts area of expertise and what opinion did he have on the cause of the conditions leading to the Dust Bowl? What position did he hold with the government and what was his plan for renewal of the land?Topic 7 Contrast the difference between the approaches that Hoover and Roosevelt each had toward the crisis in the High Plains. What was Roosevelts fundamental belief about man and the challenges of nature? What specific idea did Roosevelt have for helping to fix the High Plains, and how was it implemented?Topic 8 What was the most devastating dust storm to hit the plains, and when did it hit? Describe its origin and its trajectory, the damage and misery left in its wake, and how it was different than other dust storms.Topic 9 What was the importance of Don Hartwells diary? What larger meaning did they have than just the words of one man? Reading between the lines, go through his entries and describe the deeper meaning they held.Topic 10 What was the importance of the documentary made by Pare Lorentz, and how was it received by the people of the Dust Bowl? What impact did it have the rest of the country? Why McCarty was angry over the documentary and the paintings about the region and what steps did he take to diminish their impact? You will choose and read 3 or more books (fiction or non-fiction) related to U. S. history post-civil war (totaling 750+ pages). For EACH book you will turn in an analysis of the historical content and come up with a potential research topic ( Steps 1 & 2 below). For one book you will also investigate a related question or topic; you will turn in a description and evaluation of the sources you consulted and a reflection on the what you found along the course of your research including how your questions may have changed (Steps 3 & 4). A book and the historical analysis must be completed in each 5 week block, (third) of the semester. You may also use your book choices and research in to complete assignments for the history class.1) STEP ONE Reading and understanding:Read completely and with understanding a book of your choice. You will discuss the book with an instructor who will determine whether or not this has been accomplished. This must be completed before credit for subsequent steps can be earned.2) STEP TWO Historical analysis (only if step one is complete): Address the following (complete sentences and typed):What was time period, real events, real people, etc., mentioned in the book? Which elements of the book do you think are real and which were imagined or were the authors opinion? What were the authors sources of historical information? What historical questions do you have, info you want to corroborate, or topics interest you after reading the book? What would you choose to investigate ? 3) STEP THREE Investigation /Research:Explore 3 or more sources of information should include a variety of quality sources from- books, websites, documents, visuals, audio, personal interviews, etc. (see your instructors for suggestions) Report on sources: a) Cite each source (MLA style). b) Summarize information relating to your question or topic that is found in this source. (a paragraph or two for each) c) Give your evaluation/ recommendation of the source (for this research) and explain why.4) STEP FOUR ReflectionWrite a reflection on the path you followed in conducting this research including what you found out, and how your questions changed as you gathered information. A good reflection describes your research path and how it evolved or changed over the course of your research as you learned more.
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