Why should you write to Driscoll instead of just telling him?
Why should you write to Driscoll instead of just telling him?
You currently work as an environmental engineer for Ventus Power, which oper-ates wind energy facilities in ï¬ve states: Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and
Wyoming. Included in your responsibilities is monitoring of wildlife impact at the Sweetwater facility and the periodic preparation of reports to be sub-mitted to the
US Department of Energy and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).You have just prepared a report indicating that fatal bird collisions with the wind turbines at
Sweetwater are at a new high for the third consecutive quarter. You know this evidence of a persistent and growing hazard to migratory birds will trigger a visit from
regulators and a potential interruption of operations. And mitigation efforts will likely cost the company at least $500,000.Your supervisor, Garrett Driscoll, says
the higher level could be regarded as a “temporary blip” and asks you to “adjust” the data so that the facility appears to be running safely. He explains, “We can’t
afford the expensive repair. It might also cost us jobs. And the publicity will be terrible—antagonizing the environ-mentalists and discouraging investors.”You decide
to write a memo to Driscoll telling him that, as a professional engineer, the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) code of ethics does not allow you to
misrepresent information. You must report this informa-tion as you know it. You recognize that Driscoll will disagree with your decision and will likely share the
letter with his bosses. In your message to Driscoll, you explain why you must report this information according to your profession’s standards of practice. Before you
compose your letter, you again review the NSPE ethics guidelines (Figure 3–
1).Question: Why should you write to Driscoll instead of just telling him?
Case 3-1 Forum Due 2 x i i AceMyHomeworkcom x D The Essentials of Techni >< Prior to responding to T x Case 3-1: Accuracy in Ff x G C G) reader.chegg.com_~“ljuziiizizz lg. pl‘i p 71d : cl 1 511141541eefliz?__::::iilfif135cle§%1ljJ‘IEtiilflElEl1 Q i} 52] E III ‘ ‘ – . ‘ ‘ – . – t .. – ,~_ 7 I I – – A Apps E New Jersey Institute E 2015 Fall – FIN 218 : m McGiaw-Hill Conner www5.nJit.edu/gradt <) Buy essay now and ~ E New Jersey Institute Cy www.hp.com/ctg/M.; 50 Chapter 5: \.’“~.”‘riting Ethically , A CASE DOCUMENT 3-1 DATE: October 24. 2012 TO: Garrett Driscoll SUBJECT: High Levels of Fatal Bird Collisions at Sweetwater Garrett: I understand your concern regarding the cost otIsolying our facility’s problem with fatal bird collisions. The $500,000 reparation expenditure will indeed atfect our company financially. Howeyer, the high mortality rate cannot be Viewed as a mere technicality. The facility’s unintentional bird kills are again at a new high, and the number will persist or grow ifwe do not take measures to mitigate. Excessiye fatal collisions put us in legalieopardy as well as do callous injury to bird populations. Adjusting the data so that the facility appears to be operating without incident would be an explicit yiolation ofan engineer‘s ethical standards. As an environmental engineer. I adhere to the Code of Ethics instituted by the National Society of Professional Engineers. I will report this data to the LTSNVS and the Department otIEnergy as is. As soon as we haye the okay from the corporate otlice for expenditures. I will assess the situation and de- termine a suitable fix. I believe that accurately reporting the statistics will positiyely contribute to our reputation and the integrity of this company. ill I 1472864560.docx A ill I Emerson_Testertr….docx A ill I Moustafa_Maiwa….docx A ill I 1771837684 (1).docx A @ mcq2 (1).doc A Show all X 7:45 PM 0 el\ rue anytlw‘ig 19 [El] – C) e Q 3 ® @ W5 A El fl (Io) 2/17/2017 53
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