
Write about one of these, or choose a different topic mentioned in this video and discuss the economic implications.

Write about one of these, or choose a different topic mentioned in this video and discuss the economic implications.

You are required to submit a one page reaction paper to the video shown in class. The reactions must be typed, double spaced (no extra spaces between paragraphs), 12 pt standard font (Times New Roman or Arial), 1” margins

Content: Use one of the given prompts as your guide for what to write. You are expected to put thought in your answers and respond intelligibly. You are encouraged to support your answers with material from the video, class lecture, as well as the required readings. You must clearly indicate your source, and if you directly quote any material, you must clearly indicate what has been quoted along with indicating the source of the quoted material.

Format: Although these reactions are only one page, you are expected to submit well-written papers. These will be graded not only on the thoughts submitted, but also on grammar and cohesiveness. Put nothing but your name at the top.

Topics mentioned in the video:

– Impact of Pearl Harbor on the war

– Women’s role in the war

– D-Day

– Atomic Bomb

You can write about one of these, or choose a different topic mentioned in this video and discuss the economic implications.

Name of the video: WWII: America—The Story of Us
Here is the link to the video:

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