Write a religion studies essay about theism vs atheism
You are also free to pick a topic of your own
1. Religion and Science (Does God Exist?)
2. I am a Christian, because…
3. I am a Jew, because….
4. I am a Muslim, because….
5. I am an Atheist, because…
6. I believe in life after death, because…
7. Religion and Modern Ethical issues: Abortion
8. Religion and Modern Ethical issues: Euthanasia
9. Religion and Modern Ethical issues: Capital Punishment
10. Religion and Modern Ethical issues: Homosexuality and Gay Marriage
11. Theism vs. Atheism
12. Creationism vs. Evolution
13. Religion, Suffering and Injustice in the World
14. Religion and Universal Evil
15. Free will vs. Predestination/Determinism
16. Comparing Religions: Hinduism and Buddhism
17. Religion and Wars
18. Religion and Modern American Politics
19. Importance of Religious Rituals and Traditions
20. The concept of “afterlife” in various religions
21. The concept of “sacrifices” in various religions
22. Religion and Morality: Foundations for morality today
23. The Nature of God in Judaism and Hinduism/Buddhism/Islam (pick one or two)
24. Various Judaism groups (Hasidism, Orthodox etc.)
25. The Messiah in Judaism
26. The teachings of Jesus and the Buddha (Comparison)
27. The quest for Historical Jesus
28. The Gospels and the Resurrection
29. Religion and mystical spirituality
30. Miracles vs. Science
31. Religion and Apocalypse
32. Various Christian Denominations and Sects (Pentecostals, Baptists, Amish etc.)
33. The life of Muhammad
34. Sunnis and Shia’s
35. Modern Islam and the West
36. The concept of God in Islam
37. Islam and Judaism (comparison)
38. Islam and Christianity (comparison)
39. Islam and gender issues
40. Islam and the Sharia Law
41. Life after Death in Islam
42. Sufism and Islam
43. Various Muslim sects
44. Islam in the U.S.A.
45. Modern Religious movements: Jehova’s Witnesses, Mormons, Scientology, Satanists etc.
46. Religion and Globalization
47. New Age, Scientology or other modern mystical movements.
What are key differences between medical and personal ethics
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